Sekitar lima dari seratus siswa penyandang disabilitas mengalami cedera setiap tahunnya di sekolah. Guru adalah penanggung jawab anak-anak yang berada di lingkungan sekolah sehingga setiap guru perlu dan harus mampu memberikan pertolongan pertama pada anak ketika mengalami cedera atau kondisi buruk di lingkungan sekolah. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengetahuan guru sekolah luar biasa tentang pertolongan pertama pada cedera. Metode: Scoping review dengan pencarian artikel menggunakan empat database, yaitu Proquest, EBSCOHost, Scopus, dan Wiley Online serta melalui Google Scholar dan manual search melalui Google. Kriteria inklusi antara lain (1) subjek penelitian adalah guru sekolah luar biasa; (2) membahas hal terkait pertolongan pertama; (3) literatur berupa artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasi dalam 12 tahun terakhir (2013–2024); (4) open access; (5) artikel dalam bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesia; dan (6) penelitian dengan metode kuantitatif atau kualitatif. Seleksi artikel menggunakan diagram PRISMA flow. Rayyan Ai digunakan untuk melakukan proses penjaringan artikel yang duplikat dan membantu proses seleksi artikel. Hasil: Sebanyak enam artikel memenuhi kriteria untuk dilakukan analisis. Sebagian besar artikel menjelaskan bahwa pengetahuan guru terkait pertolongan pertama masih rendah (66,6%), sebagian besar responden belum pernah mendapatkan pelatihan pertolongan pertama (50%), dan umumnya jenis pertolongan pertama di lingkungan sekolah adalah kasus cedera dan kegawatdaruratan medis (83,3%). Diskusi: Rendahnya pengetahuan guru sekolah luar biasa dalam memberikan pertolongan pertama dapat menghambat pemberian pertolongan pertama di sekolah. Adanya beberapa program, seperti pelatihan pertolongan pertama berupa edukasi dan praktik skill dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan guru terkait pertolongan pertama. Kesimpulan: Tingkat pengetahuan pertolongan pertama pada guru sekolah luar biasa mayoritas rendah. Direkomendasikan adanya program pelatihan pertolongan pertama dan pedoman yang dapat dimanfaatkan guru dalam memberikan pertolongan kepada siswa.
Kata Kunci: guru sekolah luar biasa, pengetahuan, pertolongan pertama cedera
Special Needs School Teachers’ Knowledge of First Aid for Injuries: A Scoping Review
Approximately five out of every 100 students with disabilities experience injuries annually in schools. Teachers are responsible for children under their supervision at school, making it essential for every teacher to possess the skills and ability to provide first aid when children experience injuries or adverse conditions at school. Objective: To analyze the knowledge of special needs school teachers regarding first aid for injuries. Methods: A scoping review was conducted by searching articles across four databases: ProQuest, EBSCOHost, Scopus, and Wiley Online, as well as Google Scholar and manual searches via Google. Inclusion criteria included: (1) study subjects being special needs school teachers; (2) discussing first aid; (3) literature in the form of scholarly articles published within the last 12 years (2013–2024); (4) open access; (5) articles written in English or Indonesian; and (6) studies using quantitative or qualitative methods. Article selection was guided by the PRISMA flow diagram. Rayyan AI was used to screen duplicate articles and assist in the article selection process. Results: Six articles met the criteria for analysis. Most articles revealed that teachers' knowledge of first aid was low (66.6%), the majority of respondents had never received first aid training (50%), and common first aid cases in schools included injuries and medical emergencies (83.3%). Discussion: Limited knowledge among special needs school teachers regarding first aid may hinder the provision of appropriate care in schools. Several programs, such as training that incorporates education and practical skills, can enhance teachers' knowledge of first aid. Conclusion: The majority of special needs school teachers have low levels of knowledge about first aid. It is recommended to implement first aid training programs and provide guidelines to support teachers in providing aid for students effectively.
Keywords: special needs school teachers, knowledge, first aid for injuries
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